Every Tongue Got To Confess” was a podcast project produced by Dr. Julian Chambliss (Michigan State University) and Robert Cassanello (University of Central Florida). In the same spirit as Zora Neale Hurston – famous African American novelist, short story writer, folklorist, and anthropologist – this podcast explored ideology and activism linked to heritage communities.

Central Florida: A Black Speculative Space

 The black experience in Central Florida represents a critical node of imagination and activism. Influenced by the Booker T. Washington, communities such as Eatonville, the Parramore community in Orlando, or the historic Hannibal Square neighborhood in Winter Park represent important spaces to black agency in post-Reconstruction period. From education to enterprise, these communities featured collective and individual action to promote freedom. Recovering the history and ideology that shapes these communities requires a mixed methodology.  The first season of Reframing History, a podcast project from Julian Chambliss, captured this process.